The award  night for the “Short Film Competition – Inclusive Indonesia” was held on December 19 and organized by PPDI at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs compound. H.E. Ambassador Jose Tavares, Director General for ASEAN Cooperation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Angkie Yudistia, Presidential Special Staff, and Gufroni Sakaril, Chairperson of PPDI provided opening remarks. The event was also attended by the Representative of Indonesia to AICHR, Commissioner of Indonesian Ombudsman, and representatives of Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Coordinating Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), students and media. 114 people attended the event, 45 of which were women. Of 41 short films registered, the panellists selected ‘Dia’ from Bekasi, West Java, as the winner of the competition; ‘Percaya’  from Bulukumba, South Sulawesi, as the 1st runner-up; and ‘Mata Hati’ from Pekanbaru, Riau, as the 2nd runner-up. The competition also awarded ‘Koma’ from Semarang, West Java, as the winner of “fan favorite” category , as the film received 3740 ‘likes’ and ‘loves’ on PPDI’s YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram from November 29-December 16.   On December 20, the event was covered during a news segment on ‘Selamat Pagi Indonesia – Metro TV’. The IFES-supported short film competition was organized by PPDI in partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Representative of Indonesia to AICHR, ATVI and EII with Metro TV as media partner.

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