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On April 22, AGENDA DPO partners together with ASEAN Disability Forum (ADF) held the 2nd online regional meeting on COVID-19 inviting the Indonesian representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), Yuyun Wahyuningrum, to discuss ASEAN regional and country-level responses to the pandemic. In her presentation, Yuyun shared AICHR efforts, particularly AICHR Indonesia, including optimizing social media presence to convey a quick message on ‘Fighting COVID-19 Human Rights Way’ and campaigning on the rights to health and universal health coverages. Aside from the discussion with AICHR Indonesia, DPO partners also shared their current remote activities during the pandemic and government response updates in their respective countries. Facilitated by Rebecca Aaberg, IFES Inclusion Specialist, the online meeting was participated by 24 participants from Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, and also colleagues from IFES Headquarter.

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