On September 21, AGENDA together with the ASEAN Disability Forum (ADF) participated in the 15th ASEAN GO-NGO Forum on Social Welfare and Development and presented on the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic on the lives of persons with disabilities and their families including the loss of jobs, mental and financial instability at their households, and limited access to information, online learning, as well as healthcare and services. The DPO networks also urge ASEAN sectoral bodies to include persons with disabilities and their organizations, increase support and assistance for persons with disabilities and their families, and utilize the ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025: Mainstreaming the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in formulating a disability-inclusive pandemic response and recovery plan.
The #EnablingMasterplan document is available at https://asean.org/…/ASEAN-Enabling-Masterplan-2025…