On June 21, the Indonesian Employer Association (APINDO), one of PPDI’s coalition members, produced two podcasts. The first podcast covered the companies’ expectation to have workers with disabilities who meet the market demand, appointing Lispiyatmini (JOTUN Indonesia), Musfir (JFE Steel Galvanizing) and Berton Pasaribu (BLK INKLUSI BANYUWANGI) as the resource persons. Meanwhile, the second podcast covered the joint effort to expand work opportunities for persons with disabilities with Gufron Sakaril (PPDI Chair), Dante Rigmalia (Chair of National Commission on Disability) and Lishia Erza (APINDO) as resource persons. Myra Hanartani, Chair of the Regulation Committee and Institutional Relations on Employment, moderated both podcasts for APINDO. APINDO will post the podcasts on their Instagram and YouTube accounts in July 2022.

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