PPDI was established in 1987 as an umbrella organization for various organizations for persons with disabilities in Indonesia. As an umbrella organization, PPDI has branches in 31 of 34 provinces in Indonesia. PPDI aims to achieve the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities in order to obtain equal opportunities in all aspects of life and livelihood and able to fully participate at the regional and national development processes. For its members, PPDI plays role as coordinating agency in advocating the rights of persons with disabilities, while PPDI plays role as development partner for the government of Indonesia in the preparation of various policies and programs related to the persons with disabilities. One of the main achievements of PPDI, was its network contribution in providing academic draft concept for the CRPD ratification process and the issuance of the Law No. 8/2016 concerning of persons with disabilities in Indonesia. Since 2005, PPDI is a member of Disabled People International.

Association of Indonesian Persons with Disabilities (Perkumpulan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia/PPDI)
Jl. Mesjid Al ikhlas I, Komplek DPR II Blok C No. 21. Meruya Selatan Jakarta Barat, ndonesia
Tel: +6221 22540300
Email: dpp@ppi.or.id


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