03 2017-12-18 AGENDA's participation in AICHR Workshop, Da Nang

AICHR Regional Workshop on Enhanced Access to Education for Children with Disabilities

January 5, 2018

On 13-14 December, AGENDA participated in the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Regional Workshop on Enhanced Access to Education for Children with Disabilities in Da Nang, Vietnam which aimed to identify the challenges in providing quality education for children with disabilities in the region, exchange best practices on legislation and policy-making…

Collaboration with Election Monitoring Organization in the context of the participatory monitoring

January 4, 2018

On 27 November, AGENDA participated in Bawaslu’s FGD on Collaboration with Election Monitoring Organization in the context of the participatory monitoring and shared its experience in conducting election monitoring and suggested some potential collaborative works that can be done with organizations on election observation to achieve election monitoring goals, such as building a…

06 2017-11-22 AGENDA's Partner Visit in Jakarta

AGENDA‘s partner Visit

January 4, 2018

On 20-22 November, AGENDA‘s partner in Myanmar, Myanmar Independent Living Initiative (MILI), held series of meetings with various election stakeholders in Indonesia. During the three-day visit in Jakarta, MILI met with Bawaslu, DKPP, People’s Voter Education Network (JPPR), Indonesian Disabled People Association (PPDI), Center for Election Access of Citizens with Disabilities (PPUA Penca),…

Oversight Procurement and Distribution of 2018 Regional Head Elections and its Recapitulation Standard in Jakarta

January 4, 2018

On 17 November, AGENDA participated in Bawaslu’s FGD on Drafting Guidelines on Oversight Procurement and Distribution of 2018 Regional Head Elections and its Recapitulation Standard in Jakarta. AGENDA reviewed Bawaslu’s initial draft guidelines and suggested some inputs to the draft.

2017 National Workshop of the Indonesian Blind Association

January 4, 2018

On 24 October, AGENDA attended the 2017 National Workshop of the Indonesian Blind Association (PERTUNI) in Jakarta. The workshop aimed to discuss the increasing role of the blind people community based on Convention Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Law no. 8 year 2016 on Persons with Disabilities.

BAWASLU Public Consultation

January 4, 2018

On 24 October, AGENDA attended and provided input  in a public consultation, facilitated by Bawaslu, that examined the draft regulation on election observation. Through this forum, Bawaslu sought advice from electoral stakeholders on how to increase domestic and international observers’ interest in election observation in the 2019 election and beyond.

BAWASLU RI Training, Bogor, West Java, 2017-11-21

BAWASLU RI Training on Accessible Election

September 28, 2017

The Election Supervisory Board of Indonesia (Badan Pengawas Pemilu Republik Indonesia/Bawaslu RI) inaugurated the newly appointed Provincial Commissioners from 25 provinces (out of 34). On 21 September 2017, AGENDA Program Manager provided training to the new Commissioners on Understanding Disabilities and Accessible Election. It is one of the AGENDA’s objective to ensure that…

Media Training in Mataram, NTB, 2017-08-24

AGENDA Media Training in Mataram, NTB

August 30, 2017

AGENDA conducted Media Training on Media Guidelines on Reporting Accessible Election attended by 26 media representatives from print, online and broadcast media (25 men and 1 woman) and 10 representatives from disabled people organization (DPO) in Mataram, NTB on August 24, 2017. The training materials were understanding disability, accessible election and…

EMB Asessment Tols Workshop in Mataram, NTB, 2017-08-23

AGENDA EMB Assessment Tools Workshop in Mataram, NTB

August 30, 2017

AGENDA in collaboration with Provincial General Election Commission (KPU) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) organized Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tools Workshop attended by 34 people (26 men and 8 women) in Mataram, NTB on August 23, 2017. Topics discussed at the workshop were understanding disability, accessible election and reviewing EMB…