A Brief History of Elections in Malaysia

May 13, 2013

Following the dissolution of Parliament in early April, the government of Malaysia announced the long-awaited date of the upcoming 13th Malaysian general election, to be held May 5, 2013.1

Currently engaged with Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (MAFREL) and the Malaysian Confederation of the Disabled (MCD), AGENDA,…


AGENDA Holds Workshop on Accessible Elections for Cambodian National Election Committee

May 13, 2013

AGENDA, in cooperation with the Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization (CDPO), organized a two-day training on the rights of persons with disabilities in elections for Cambodia’s National Election Committee (NEC). Senior staff members from the NEC representing 14 provinces and two representing Phnom Penh were present. Also attending the training was Sokolac Tipor, the…

Columbia University Students to Support AGENDA Research and Capacity Assessment

May 13, 2013

From 11 to 25 March, two Students, Christopher Wooley and Dennis Jitae Kim, from the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) of Columbia University came to Jakarta for intership in the AGENDA secretariat in Jakarta. During their internship, they carried out capacity assessment activities as well as helping in writing AGENDA’s research…


Standing Tall Amid Adversity

March 13, 2013

When Josephine de Vera, or Josie, was six months old, she got a high fever. Her parents took her to the hospital for medication, where the doctor told them she had polio. Josie and her family looked for better treatment, but due to financial difficulties and the distance to medical centers, they finally…

Training on Political Rights of Persons with Disabilities Brings Election Officials Together

March 11, 2013

AGENDA partner Center for Electoral Access for Citizens with Disabilities (PPUA Penca) organized a two-day training for the Indonesian National Election Commission (KPU) and Indonesian Election Supervisory Body (BAWASLU). The training was held in Bogor from February 22-23, 2013. Among the 20 participants were three KPU, four BAWASLU commissioners and senior staff from the…

The Historic Struggle for Representation of Persons with Disabilities in the Filipino Congress

March 11, 2013

Philippines Map

In May 2013, the Philippines will have an election to elect members of the House of Representatives and half of the Senators. The upcoming election is an opportunity for persons with disabilities to finally gain representation in the legislature of the Republic…

Organization Profile: The Katipunan ng Maykapansanan sa Pilipinas Inc (KAMPI)

March 11, 2013


The Katipunan ng Maykapansanan sa Pilipinas Inc (KAMPI) is a national federation of cross-disability organizations in the Philippines. Established in 1990, KAMPI envisions a “society for all,” where persons with disabilities are fully empowered, equal and productive members of Filipino society. KAMPI…


Organization Profile: The Laos Disabled People’s Association (LDPA)

January 28, 2013

The Laos Disabled People’s Association (LDPA) is a civil society organisation and the sole Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) that encompasses all people with disability in Laos. The LDPA is recognised as the nation’s leading DPO, and serves an important role as the peak advocacy body for people with disability.



Kamboja meratifikasi CRPD

January 28, 2013

Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa telah resmi mengakui ratifikasi Konvensi Hak-hak Penyandang Disabilitas (Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/CRPD) pada tanggal 20 November 2012 oleh Kerajaan Kamboja dan memasukkannya ke dalam pangkalan data. Kamboja telah menandatangani Protokol Opsional dari Konvensi tersebut pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2007. Pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2012, Majelis Nasional Kamboja…