– Features
December 18, 2012
It is not easy for somebody with a disability in Indonesia to become a politician. When the late Gus Dur was nominated for the presidency, which he eventually won, many opponents tried to block the nomination because Gus Dur was blind. Many believed being blind made him unfit to rule.
"Even if a mountain is high, there is always a way to reach the top -- and although the way might be full of danger, there is always a way for someone to get through it. (Vietnamese Proverb)"
The proverb above may be the best one to…
November 2, 2012
People’s Voter Education Network (JPPR) is a network of 38 institutions consisting of social organizations under Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, NGOs, educational institutions, interfaith institutions, student institutions, and radio channels. Members of JPPR work at the national and provincial level, Regency/City, District, up to Village.
The vision of JPPR is…
September 25, 2012
Discrimination that he faced since a young age does not make Ngin Saorath hopeless to live his life as a person with disability. It even motivated him to fight for the disability rights in his country, Cambodia. He hopes that persons with disability (PwDs) can live as equal to other people without disability.…
September 25, 2012
The Center for Election Access of Citizens with Disabilities (Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Penyandang Cacat, PPUA Penca) was established in 2004, initiated due to the concern for the lack of attention, protection and equality for voters with disabilities. PPUA Penca’s mandate is to advocate for political rights for persons with disabilities in elections,…