On December 12, Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization (CDPO) held its final discussion in a series of live roundtables on celebrating the international day of persons with disabilities (IDPD) in Cambodia. CPDO invited the Deputy Chief of Integration of Persons with Disabilities Unit of the Disability Action Council (DAC) – a national coordination and consultation mechanism on disability issues, Mr. Vorn Kuy, and CDPO Program Manager, Ms. Mak Monika, to participate. The deputy chief shared that the theme of IDPD 2019 in Cambodia was ‘Eliminating Barriers to Persons with Disabilities in a Social Environment’. He further explained some of the targeted barriers, such as attitudinal barriers, physical environmental barriers, communication barriers, and participation barriers. The discussion was aired live via the Voice of Persons with Disabilities (VPD) Facebook Page

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