On June 17, AGENDA partner Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization (CDPO) held its fourth roundtable talk show titled “Free of Charge Health-Care Services: An Effort for Advancing Equal Access to Health-Care for Persons with Disabilities.” Speakers included the Deputy Director of Provincial of Health in Kompot province, Mr. San Chheng and Executive Director of Women Forum in Battambang Organization, Ms. Sieng Sok Chan. According to Mr. San Chheng, since 1997 the Royal Government has improved the health sector by establishing more health centres and referral hospitals for densely populated geographic areas. Based on the Ministry of Health’s guidance, there are two levels of health centres consisting of a referral hospital (provincial and district level) and a commune health center. Persons with disabilities have the right to receive all these services, free of charge. However, many persons with disabilities in Cambodia do not have a disability identification card, making it difficult to access these services. Ms. Sieng Sok Chan pointed out the importance for persons with disabilities to understand their rights and encourage them to utilize the free of charge healthcare services since the Royal Government will pay for these services through an equity fund. The discussion was aired live on the Voice of Persons with Disabilities (VPD) TV online and Facebook page.

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