CALL Foundation is an organization of concerned blind citizens who are mostly working in government. It is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a non-stock non-profit corporation and with the Bureau of Internal Revenue as a tax-exempt foundation. It is also duly accredited as a non-governmental organization by the Sangguniang Panlunsod (City Council) of Pasay City where it is based and as a people’s organization by the Department of Social Welfare and Development, National Capital Region.  Similarly, it is recognized as an active organization of the blind by the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons, an attached agency of the Department of Social Welfare and Development and as an accredited co-partner of the Department of Labor and Employment, National Capital Region through its Tulong Alalay (TULAY) assistance program for the disabled.

The Foundation’s main goal is to help visually impaired individuals (blind and low-vision) improve their socio-economic conditions in life through access to various opportunities for personal advancement such that they may become productive and contributing members of their respective communities and eventually be fully integrated into the mainstream of Philippine society.  Toward this end, it has put on top of its priorities the formulation and implementation of programs and services that are focused on the conduct of skills training and establishment of corresponding livelihood undertakings directed toward the progress and development of its clientele which is composed mostly of high school graduates of the Philippine National School for the Blind, a government special school for the visually handicapped.

CALL Foundation
2527 D1 Saint Louis Compound, Figueroa Street, Pasay City, Philippines
Tel: 831-5627/0919-758-6188 Email:

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