On February 21st, 2017 AGENDA organized a discussion with the theme ‘Pilkada Jakarta 2017: Lesson Learned and Turnout Voters with Disabilities’ at Pacific Place 3rd Floor @america. There were 3 speakers at the discussion Betty Epsilon Idroos – Provincial KPU of Jakarta, Achmad Fachruddin – Provincial Supervisory Body of Jakarta and Muhammad Zaid – JPPR. The discussion was moderated by Tolhas Damanik, AGENDA Disability Rights Advisor. According to Provincial KPU of Jakarta, turnout of voters with disabilities was very high, 99.7% voted, JPPR raised its observation finding that only 210 of 1001 polling stations observed in Jakarta Gubernatorial Election met all the 7 indicators of an accessible polling station based on AGENDA requirements. Both speakers from Provincial Supervisory Body of Jakarta and JPPR questioned the reason behind high increase number of voters with disabilities from around 5,000 on fixed voter list in December 2016 to around 10,000 on election day in February 2017. Provincial Supervisory Body of Jakarta presumption in explaining the increasing number of voters with disabilities was due to incapability of some poll workers in defining persons with disabilities. Thank you to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for the support. The discussion is available at https://livestream.com/accounts/21606213/events/6448829/videos/150046687
Discussion at @america on Pilkada Jakarta 2017