On January 16, the General Election Commission of Indonesia (Komisi Pemilihan Umum/KPU RI) issued two circular letters to the General Election Commission at the Provincial and District level related to the Media Competition activity which is organized by the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) in collaboration with KPU RI and the Indonesian Press Council. In the letter no. 55/KPU/I/2017, the Chairman of KPU RI requested all local KPUs to disseminate the information about the media competition to the media, to put the information about the competition on the website of each Local KPUs, to print the poster about the competition and put it on the announcement board and to conduct media discussion at the Media Center on Accessible Election for Voters with Disabilities in 2017 Local Elections. In the letter no. 56/KPU/I/2017, the Chairman of KPU RI informed all the Local KPUs that KPU RI in cooperation with AGENDA and the Press Council will give an award to Local KPU whose website is the most accessible website. Therefore, the Local KPUs were advised to improve their website and make it more accessible for persons with disabilities. The criteria of the accessible website is also provided in the letter.
KPU’s Circular Letters on Media Competition