LENTE Philippines was launched on March 23, 2007 at IBP National Office with the signing of a memorandum of agreement between the LENTE Co-Convenors. LENTE is committed to ensuring truthful elections and meaningful electoral participation for the good of the Filipino people. It is a way for lawyers, paralegals, law students, and volunteers to contribute to the great enterprise called nation-building. It envisions a genuinely participatory democratic Philippine society with informed, empowered, and engaged citizenry, where LENTE serves as a steadfast guardian of a credible and accessible electoral system. Its objectives are to conduct public education activities on the Philippines electoral system, to lobby and advocate for electoral reforms that would ensure the electoral process’s credibility and restore the citizens’ trust in Philippine democracy, to pursue criminal and administrative cases against violators of election laws, to strengthen institutional ties among various citizen’s arms and other organizations, and to monitor the conduct of elections. The activities include election monitoring, voter education, electoral reforms and advocacy, networking, partnership, and capacity building.

LENTE Philippines
Unit 401 Francisco Gold Condominium, 784, EDSA, West Kamias, Quezon City
Tel: 7502-1591/0917-106-6265/0947-164-4158
Email: lente.philippines@gmail.com
Web: https://www.lente.org.ph/

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