On May 14 and 21, Legal Network for Truthful Elections (LENTE) organized its ninth and tenth radio talk shows. In the ninth episode, LENTE invited representatives of persons with disabilities to share their experiences during the elections held on May 9. LENTE invited representatives from different disabled communities such as the Philippine Blind Union, Federation of the Deaf, Autism Society of the Philippines, Alliance of Filipinos with Disabilities (AKAP – Pinoy) and Philippine Inclusion Network. This episode aimed to assess the extent to which voters with disabilities participated in the elections and suggest improvements for the government to implement to make future elections more inclusive for persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups. In the tenth episode, LENTE highlighted the state of accessibility of voting centers and polling places for voters with disabilities in the Philippines based on the experiences of voters and election monitors. They invited organizations of persons with disabilities and a LENTE representative, who served as an election monitor, to share their thoughts. Participants shared that some voting centers still do not have any accessible polling places or emergency accessible polling places available to persons with disabilities. Despite having provisions in Philippine laws requiring such polling places, implementation was lacking during the Philippine election.