The Center for Election Access of Citizens with Disabilities (Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Penyandang Cacat, PPUA Penca) was established in 2004, initiated due to the concern for the lack of attention, protection and equality for voters with disabilities. PPUA Penca’s mandate is to advocate for political rights for persons with disabilities in elections, especially for setting up facilities accessible to voters with impairments. Voter education and simulation exercises were conducted in five provinces for the 2004 elections, including special sessions for voters with hearing impairments. For the 2009 elections, PPUA Penca conducted voter education and simulation exercises for persons with disabilities in eight provinces. PPUA Penca was further entrusted by Indonesia’s General Election Commission (KPU) to design Braille templates and other tools for voters with visual impairments. In addition, PPUA Penca has proactively submitted recommendations to the KPU to address the political rights of persons with disabilities.

PPUA Penca has also actively advocated the Indonesian government on electoral policies to give attention to the political rights of persons with disabilities. They were actively involved in the drafting process of Law Number 10/2008 on General Election. In the last Jakarta gubernatorial election, PPUA Penca, in cooperation with the Jakarta Election Management Board, took active lead in conducting voter education events for persons with disabilities. Currently PPUA Penca is preparing a training manual on accessible election. This manual is to be used to train Election officials in the Southeast Asia region on how to organize an election that is accessible for persons with disabilities.
PPUA headquarter is in Jakarta. It is currently chaired by Dra. Ariani.