On March 24, AGENDA’s partner Indonesian Disabled People’s Association (PPDI) conducted a podcast on eliminating stigma and discrimination against persons with disabilities in the workplace. Four resource persons involved in the podcast production included Dr. Gufroni Sakaril, PPDI Chairperson, Yovi Arista of the Data and Publication team of Migrant Care as a CSO representative, Kurniati,  Corporate Communication Manager of PT Light Rail Transit (LRT) Jakarta as a private sector representative and Nora Kartika Setyaningrum, Director of Domestic Workforce Placement of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, as the government sector representative. The resource persons discussed several issues, including the cooperation between stakeholders to voice the right to decent work for persons with disabilities by encouraging the fulfillment of the quota for disabled workers in government and private sectors. Speakers also suggested establishing a disability service unit in all offices of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia to map out and encourage companies to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to gain employment. The podcast also covered potential improvements to vocational education for persons with disabilities to be prepared for emerging work opportunities. The discussion also indicated the need to mainstream disability issues on issues involving migrant workers with disabilities, protection from physical or domestic violence, and accessible public education. The podcast, which features sign language interpretation and subtitles, will be posted on PPDI’s website and Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

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