July 23, 2018
On 27 June, AGENDA and IFES coordinated with Bawaslu (Indonesia Election Supervisory Body) to hold polling station visits to the 2018 Pilkada (local election) in five cities for international delegates and representatives as part of Bawaslu’s first-ever Election Studies Program. The program aimed to bring together members of election management bodies (EMBs) from…
June 27, 2018
From 26-27 June, representatives from AGENDA participated in the 2018 Election Visit Program (EVP) organized by the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) in Surabaya, East Java. The program’s main objectives were to share knowledge and information on Indonesia’s different elections and to observe the regional head elections in East Java. EMBs from six…
May 8, 2018
In mid-April 2018, National Council for the Blind Malaysia (NCBM), Malaysian AGENDA’s partner launched a booklet on how to help people with disabilities titled Panduan Memberi Sokongan dan Berinteraksi dengan Orang Kurang Upaya which would be used by the Election Commission officers during the general election. The initiative was funded by the International…
January 5, 2018
On 19 December, AGENDA participated in the workshop on Strengthening International Collaboration in Supervising the 2019 Election held by the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) and provide inputs to initiate potential activities that could strengthen international collaboration, such as inviting the election commission to monitor the 2019 Election and organizing a workshop with foreign…
January 5, 2018
On 15-16 December, the AGENDA Disability Rights Advisor, on behalf of the Representative of Indonesia to AICHR, participated in 4th Task Force Meeting on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community in Da Nang, Vietnam. The Task Force was mandated to develop a regional action plan to…
January 4, 2018
On 27 November, AGENDA participated in Bawaslu’s FGD on Collaboration with Election Monitoring Organization in the context of the participatory monitoring and shared its experience in conducting election monitoring and suggested some potential collaborative works that can be done with organizations on election observation to achieve election monitoring goals, such as building a…
January 4, 2018
On 20-22 November, AGENDA‘s partner in Myanmar, Myanmar Independent Living Initiative (MILI), held series of meetings with various election stakeholders in Indonesia. During the three-day visit in Jakarta, MILI met with Bawaslu, DKPP, People’s Voter Education Network (JPPR), Indonesian Disabled People Association (PPDI), Center for Election Access of Citizens with Disabilities (PPUA Penca),…
January 4, 2018
On 17 November, AGENDA participated in Bawaslu’s FGD on Drafting Guidelines on Oversight Procurement and Distribution of 2018 Regional Head Elections and its Recapitulation Standard in Jakarta. AGENDA reviewed Bawaslu’s initial draft guidelines and suggested some inputs to the draft.
August 30, 2017
AGENDA conducted Media Training on Media Guidelines on Reporting Accessible Election attended by 26 media representatives from print, online and broadcast media (25 men and 1 woman) and 10 representatives from disabled people organization (DPO) in Mataram, NTB on August 24, 2017. The training materials were understanding disability, accessible election and…