April 13, 2016
On 6-7 April 2016, the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) conducted a workshop on Disability Rights and Elections in Ciawi, West Java. Two national commissioners from the Indonesia General Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum, KPU); fifteen provincial KPU commissioners from eight provinces that will organize regional head elections on 15…
April 1, 2016
In February 2016, the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) published Disability Access and Inclusion in the Political Processes of Four Southeast Asian Countries. The report provides key insights from Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, written by local disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs), on access and inclusion of persons with disabilities with…
March 28, 2016
On Feb 19, AGENDA‘s partner in Philippine, KAMPI, conducted in Manila, DPO Meeting on the ASEAN Vision 2025 and to solicit feedback on the AICHR’s draft Regional Action Plan on Disability as well as launching of research report findings on challenges and good practices of EMBs in ensuring inclusive and accessible elections to…
March 21, 2016
On 15 March 2016, the General Election Network on Disability Access (AGENDA) supported its Indonesian partner, the People's Voter Education Network (Jaringan Pendidikan Pemilih untuk Rakyat, JPPR), to conduct an evaluation workshop on the AGENDA Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tool for Accessible Elections. The EMB Assessment Tool is designed to guide election administrators…
February 23, 2016
On Feb 18, AGENDAmet with Mrs. Datin Paduka Intan Mohd Kassim, Chairperson of ACWC (ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and the Protection of the Rights of Women and Children) and other ACWC Brunei Darussalam representaties at ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia to get more information on the disability issues and seek her advice…
February 19, 2016
On Wednesday, 17 February, the General Election Network on Disability Access (AGENDA) supported its Indonesia-based partner, the Indonesia Disabled People's Association (Persatuan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia, PPDI), to hold a meeting with leaders from the disability community to solicit feedback on the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Regional Action Plan on Disability.
On Feb 10, AGENDA had a meeting with Yosep Adi Pasetyo, Indonesian Press Council. The issues discussed in the meeting are (1) the mechanism of getting an endorsement letter from the Indonesian Press Council on the AGENDA Media Guidelines, (2) the AGENDA Media training which AGENDA would like to have the Indonesian Press…
January 28, 2016
On January 27, AGENDA had a meeting with Dr. Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah, S.IP., M.Si, a Commissioner of the General Elections Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU-RI) on Election Management Body Assessment Tools on Accessible Election. The meeting discussed AGENDA report finding on EMB Assessment Tool on Accessible Election that have been…
January 28, 2016
Dr. Dinna Wisnu is Indonesian Representative to AICHR 2016-2018. On January 19, AGENDA representatives are pleased to be able to meet the new Indonesian Representative to AICHR in the beginning of her term as Indonesian Representative. AGENDA representatives have used the opportunity to brief her on AGENDA project activities, particularly AGENDA support activities…