February 5, 2015
AGENDA designed a polling station checklist and post-election survey to be used as election observation tools. The checklists and surveys were modified from existing versions that were originally developed and piloted for observing five local elections in Indonesia between November 2011 and July 2012. The presidential election checklist and survey were adapted to…
February 4, 2015
From January 28-29, 2015 the third Regional Dialogue on Access to Elections brought together more than 200 representatives from disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs), election management bodies, governments, media, and international organizations to spark an exchange of ideas and best practices on strengthening equal access to political and electoral rights for persons with disabilities.…
January 27, 2015
On January 26, AGENDA and PPDI’s president met with the Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, to discuss the support of the minister for the Third Regional Dialogue in Jakarta on January 28-29, 2015 . The Minister has agreed to provide closing remarks of the Regional Dialogue.
January 14, 2015
AGENDA lead by AGENDA-PPDI Program Manager on January 9, 2015 together with a Media Consultant have a meeting with KPU-RI Technical and Public Relations as well as Public Participation Bureau and Planning and Data Bureau. The meeting aims to coordinate media coverage and publication of the 3rd Regional Dialogue which will be held on…
October 10, 2014
On 8-9 October AGENDA Disability Rights Advisor (PPDI) Risnawati U and Senior Program Officer (IFES) Erni A participated in Bali Civil Society Forum in a back-to-back program with Bali Democracy Forum VII. The program was devoted to…
September 4, 2014
On 3-4 September, AGENDA’s Disability Rights Adviser acted as one of the speakers at a “Conference on the Inclusion of Persons with disabilities in the Electoral Processes” in Islamabad, Pakistan. Her session is on ‘Electoral Participation of Person with Disabilities, Why Should the Disability Communities Talk About Political Rights?'. In her session she…
September 2, 2014
On 26-28 August 2014 AGENDA participated in the Global Media Forum in Bali, organized by UNESCO and the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies. The forum aims to contribute to the ongoing international debate about the importance of media and information and communication technologies for peace and sustainable development. With its overarching…
August 20, 2014
On 20 August, spoke on presidential elections in Indonesia and access to the political process for persons with disabilities at the 2014 IDPP annual meeting hosted by the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur in cooperation with the American University as part of subject matter expert that deliver by expert lectures. The presentation…
July 9, 2014
AGENDA/JPPR organized a press conference on 9 July in the afternoon at the Media Center of the National KPU to share its monitoring findings and provided a statement on the level of accessibility of the election. Results for the conference included the collected information as of 12.30 pm from the field. By 12.30…