July 9, 2014
On 9 July, AGENDA/JPPR mobilized 300 trained observers to monitor the Presidential Election in five provinces (Aceh, Jakarta, Central Java, South Kalimantan and South Sulawesi). Half of the election monitors, organized by AGENDA’s partner JPPR, were persons with disabilities and 36% of the observers were female. Three different checklists/surveys with 72 questions in…
July 8, 2014
On 7 July, AGENDA/JPPR organized half-day training for the data center team (20 people) on how to enter the monitoring findings from all five provinces into the central database and how to interact with the observers in the field to clarify specific information via phone.
July 6, 2014
On June 27–28 June, 28-29 June, 1-2 July, 2-3 July and 4-5 July AGENDA/JPPR held trainings for 300 observers in South Kalimantan, Aceh, Central Java, South Sulawesi and Jakarta respectively. The 60 observers in each province consisted of 30 disabled from PPDI and 30 non-disabled observers from JPPR. KPU Commissioner and member of…
June 26, 2014
AGENDA designed a polling station checklist and post-election survey to be used as election observation tools. The checklists and surveys were modified from existing versions that were originally developed and piloted for observing five local elections in Indonesia between November 2011 and July 2012. The presidential election checklist and survey were adapted to…
June 23, 2014
On June 22-23, AGENDA/JPPR held training for the 10 coordinators of AGENDA’s monitoring mission for the presidential election. The coordinator consisted of 5 PPDI representatives and 5 JPPR representatives from 5 provinces in Indonesia (Aceh, Jakarta, Central Java, South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan). Fadhil, DKI Jakarta KPU Commissioner and M. Jufri Bawaslu DKI…
June 19, 2014
19 June 2014, AGENDA launched AGENDA II, the second phase of the project. Opening remarks for the event were provided by H.E. Simon Merrifield, Australian Ambassador to ASEAN and Daniel Zuchron, Commissioner of BAWASLU. Both welcomed the second phase of the AGENDA project and the continued effort to enhance accessible elections in the…
June 17, 2014
On June 17, AGENDA/JPPR organized a tailoring workshop to review the existing AGENDA checklist. It involved few seasoned observers from various election civil society organizations with significant election monitoring background and also disabled people’s organizations. The workshop has established 3 (three) checklist that are going to be used in AGENDA’s monitoring mission in…
August 18, 2013
On the 30 July 2013, the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) held a “Results Readout: Insights From Regional Research on the Accessibility of Elections for Persons With Disabilities” at the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Indonesia Kempinski in Jakarta. Supported by USAID, over the past two years AGENDA has built the…
July 4, 2013
AGENDA Disability Rights Adviser Yusdiana visited Geneva on June 11 to attend the 23rd Session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council. Her attendance marks growing recognition and appreciation of AGENDA and its work not just in the…