July 3, 2017
The General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA), a creative partnership of disabled people’s organizations (DPOs) and election-focused civil society organizations in Southeast Asia, organized a meeting of disability rights advocates on June 18 in Phuket, Thailand, to discuss recommendations for the access to justice, disaster risk management, and entrepreneurship for people with…
June 19, 2017
On June 9, 2017, AGENDA and AICHR Indonesia organized a discussion on Indonesian persons with disabilities rights especially on access to justice, entrepreneur ship and disaster management. The meetin was attended by DPO and government…
February 21, 2017
On Feb 2 and 3, Dr. Dinna Wisnu, Indonesian Representative to ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) organized dialogue meetings with representatives from Government of Indonesia and Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs). These dialogues aim to inform all stakeholders about the results from the first…
November 9, 2016
On November 3-4, Chairman of PPDI, as an affiliate organization of AICHR participated on the AICHR Seminar on Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Rights in ASEAN in Singapore. The Seminar explored the role of governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society organizations (CSOs) in promoting CSR, as well as possible elements…
October 25, 2016
On October 11-14, AGENDA Disability Right Advisor participated in the AICHR Training Programme on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Bangkok and became the speaker in the session on the Role of Policy Makers on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The training aims to creating a better understanding on the rights…
July 20, 2016
On June 29 – July 1, AGENDA participated in the “AICHR 2nd Regional Dialogue on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community” in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The AGENDA Disability Rights Advisor served as one of the speakers in Session 1 of the Regional Dialogue which was about…
July 20, 2016
On June 28, the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) partner in Indonesia, Persatuan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia (PPDI/the Indonesia Disabled People Association) organized an “Interface Meeting of Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Member States” in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The meeting was participated by two representatives…
January 28, 2016
On January 26, AGENDA attended Accountability Report of Mr. Rafendi Jamin, Indonesian Representative to AICHR 2009-2015 in Jakarta, Indonesia. “Mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities has been an agenda of the AICHR, and disability group is now holding a strategic position in the efforts for promoting human rights in ASEAN,” said…
January 28, 2016
Dr. Dinna Wisnu is Indonesian Representative to AICHR 2016-2018. On January 19, AGENDA representatives are pleased to be able to meet the new Indonesian Representative to AICHR in the beginning of her term as Indonesian Representative. AGENDA representatives have used the opportunity to brief her on AGENDA project activities, particularly AGENDA support activities…