December 17, 2015
AICHR posted a press release about its first Regional Dialogue on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN. The complete press release can be found at http://aichr.org/press-release/press-release-the-aichr-regional-dialogue-on-the-mainstreaming-of-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities-in-the-asean-community-1-3-december-2015-bangkok-thailand/
IFES Indonesia and the DFAT-funded General Election Network on Disability Access (AGENDA) have worked with election management bodies and civil society stakeholders to promote access to and inclusion in the electoral and political processes. One of AGENDA’s recent successes has been collaboration with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) on a…
February 9, 2015
By: Kyle Lemargie
The terms of reference for the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) are undergoing a scheduled five year review and possible revision. Established ASEAN norms of consensus decision making and non-interference in the internal affairs of member states have limited the mandate of the region’s overarching human…
August 18, 2013
On the 30 July 2013, the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) held a “Results Readout: Insights From Regional Research on the Accessibility of Elections for Persons With Disabilities” at the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Indonesia Kempinski in Jakarta. Supported by USAID, over the past two years AGENDA has built the…
July 10, 2012
Rafendi Djamin, the Indonesian representative for the ASEAN Intergovernmental Committee on Human Rights (AICHR) says that inputs and insights from the civil society are important for the drafting process of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration. He said this on the meeting at Hotel Aryaduta on Friday, 15 June 2012, hosted by the Indonesian…