– Election Access
July 29, 2019
August 30, 2017
AGENDA conducted Media Training on Media Guidelines on Reporting Accessible Election attended by 26 media representatives from print, online and broadcast media (25 men and 1 woman) and 10 representatives from disabled people organization (DPO) in Mataram, NTB on August 24, 2017. The training materials were understanding disability, accessible election and…
August 30, 2017
AGENDA in collaboration with Provincial General Election Commission (KPU) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) organized Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tools Workshop attended by 34 people (26 men and 8 women) in Mataram, NTB on August 23, 2017. Topics discussed at the workshop were understanding disability, accessible election and reviewing EMB…
August 7, 2017
On July 20, 21 and 27, General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) in collaboration with local provincial of General Election Commission (KPU)s organized Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tool in Surabaya (East Java), Semarang (Central Java) and Palembang (South Sumatera) respectively. Each workshop discussed about understanding disability, accessible election and gathering inputs…
June 19, 2017
On June 6, 2017, AGENDA had a meeting with representatives from EMB Ethiopia at IFES Indonesia office in Jakarta. Participants from EMB Ethiopia would like to know about electoral…
June 12, 2017
On May 21, 2017, AGENDA organized a simulation on Accessible Poling Station at Knowledge Sharing Forum of KPU in Bogor, West Java. Five current KPU Commissioners and 3 former KPU…
May 15, 2017
On May 6, AGENDA organized Media Training on Reporting Accessible Election in Kupang, NTT. All types of media: print, online, television and radio, participated in the training and it’s around 30 people were trained (22 men and 8 women) and four persons with disabilities representing the disabled organizations. Maryanti Laode, Commissioner of Provincial…
May 4, 2017
On April 21, AGENDA organized Media Training on Reporting Accessible Election in Medan. Print, online, television and radio media representatives participated in the training, around 32 people were trained (24 men and 8 women). Yulhasni, Commissioner of Provincial KPU of North Sumatera gave presentation on what have been done and will do by…
April 3, 2017
On March 31, 2017 the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) in collaboration with the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU RI) and the Indonesian Press Council organized an Announcement and Award Ceremony of Journalist Competition on Accessible Elections and Accessible Provincial KPU Web Page at KPU compound. The event was opened by…