– Enabling Masterplan
October 8, 2020
The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) as a regional overarching human rights body has shown its further commitments in promoting and protecting human rights in the Southeast Asia region by successfully developing a new five-year work plan 2021-2025 that was approved at the 53rd ASEAN…
September 23, 2020
On September 22, Tolhas Damanik from AGENDA and Lim Puay Tiak from ADF participated in the Open Session of the 16th SOMSWD Meeting that was moderated by the SOMSWD Philippines. In the 15-minute open session, Tolhas and Lim introduced AGENDA and ADF as a DPO networks coalition in ASEAN advocating disability rights in…
September 23, 2020
On September 21, AGENDA together with the ASEAN Disability Forum (ADF) participated in the 15th ASEAN GO-NGO Forum on Social Welfare and Development and presented on the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic on the lives of persons with disabilities and their families including the loss of jobs, mental and financial instability at…
June 25, 2020
On June 25, General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) Disability Rights Advisor, Tolhas Damanik, spoke at the ASEAN civil society organization (CSO) Townhall Meeting on “ASEAN Member States’ Accountability on Human Rights: During and Post COVID-19”. The event was organized by Forum Asia and supporting partners, including ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR),…