– Indonesia
August 22, 2016
On 13 August, AGENDA conducted Media Training on its “Media Guidelines for Reporting Accessible Elections” in Jakarta. Keynote speeches were provided by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Press Council and the Chairperson of the Provincial KPU of Jakarta. The training was attended by 15 journalists from online, print, television and radio media and…
July 28, 2016
On 30 June, KPU Indonesia (Komisi Pemilihan Umum/General Election Commission) issued a letter no. 07 year 2016 to KPU Province/Regency/Municipality who will organize the concurrent regional head elections on 15 February 2017 on EMB Assessment Tool. The letter encourages related KPU Province/Regency/Municipality to use the EMB Assessment Tool as guidelines for the officers…
June 10, 2016
On 28 May, AGENDA conducted Media Training on its “Media Guidelines for Reporting Accessible Elections” in Ambon. The training was attended by 18 journalists from online, print, television and radio media; two representatives from the Provincial KPU; and six DPO representatives.
May 27, 2016
On 23 May, AGENDA conducted Media Training on Media Guidelines on Reporting Accessible Elections in Banda Aceh. The training was attended by 12 journalists (Online, print, TV and Radio media),three people from the Media Center of the Provincial KIP of Aceh and six people from DPO representatives.
February 19, 2016
On Wednesday, 17 February, the General Election Network on Disability Access (AGENDA) supported its Indonesia-based partner, the Indonesia Disabled People's Association (Persatuan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia, PPDI), to hold a meeting with leaders from the disability community to solicit feedback on the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Regional Action Plan on Disability.
On Feb 10, AGENDA had a meeting with Yosep Adi Pasetyo, Indonesian Press Council. The issues discussed in the meeting are (1) the mechanism of getting an endorsement letter from the Indonesian Press Council on the AGENDA Media Guidelines, (2) the AGENDA Media training which AGENDA would like to have the Indonesian Press…
January 28, 2016
On January 26, AGENDA attended Accountability Report of Mr. Rafendi Jamin, Indonesian Representative to AICHR 2009-2015 in Jakarta, Indonesia. “Mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities has been an agenda of the AICHR, and disability group is now holding a strategic position in the efforts for promoting human rights in ASEAN,” said…
November 18, 2015
On November 8th, 2015 ‘Website Pemilu Akses (Accessible Election Homepage)’ developed by Ridwan Sumantri was awarded as a Winner of Visionary Category at ‘Pilkada Serentak Apps Challenge Code for Vote 4.0’ organized by Indonesian Election Commission (KPU) with PERLUDEM at KPU’s office in Jakarta. The application is considered to have a specific vision…
September 8, 2015
On September 5 and 6, AGENDA conducted a workshop in Makassar, South Sulawesi and in Surabaya, East Java respectively on best practices on reporting on accessible elections and how DPOs better interact and deal with the media as well as to develop press release. Various medias whether it is print, audio/visual or online…