May 26, 2017
On May 16, AGENDA in a collaboration with Provincial (KPU) of North Sulawesi conducted Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tool Workshop in Manado, North Sulawesi. The workshop discussed about disability, political participation of persons with disabilities, accessible election and EMB Assessment Tool that has been endorsed by the KPU-RI in mid-2016. Around 45…
May 15, 2017
On May 5, AGENDA in a collaboration with Provincial (KPU) of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) conducted Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tool Workshop in Kupang, NTT. The workshop discussed about disability, political participation of persons with disabilities, accessible election and EMB Assessment Tool that has been endorsed by the KPU-RI in mid-2016. Around…
May 4, 2017
On April 21, AGENDA organized Media Training on Reporting Accessible Election in Medan. Print, online, television and radio media representatives participated in the training, around 32 people were trained (24 men and 8 women). Yulhasni, Commissioner of Provincial KPU of North Sumatera gave presentation on what have been done and will do by…
May 4, 2017
On April 20, AGENDA in a collaboration with Provincial KPU of North Sumatra conducted EMB Assessment Tool Workshop in Medan, North Sumatra. The workshop discussed political participation of persons with disabilities, accessible election and EMB Assessment Tool that has been endorsed by the KPU-RI in mid-2016. Around 26 regional KPU commissioners 25 men…
April 26, 2017
On April 18, 2017 AGENDA organized Media Training on Reporting Accessible Election in Bandung. All types of media participated in the training, around 37 people were trained (29 men and 8 women) and four of them are persons with disabilities. A commissioner of provincial KPU of West ava gave presentation on what have…
April 26, 2017
On April 13, 2017 AGENDA in a collaboration with Provincial KPU of West Java conducted EMB Assessment Tool Workshop in Bandung, West Java. The workshop discussed political participation of persons with disabilities, accessible election and EMB Assessment Tool that has been endorsed by the KPU-RI in mid-2016. Around 59 regional KPU commissioners (48…
April 3, 2017
On March 31, 2017 the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) in collaboration with the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU RI) and the Indonesian Press Council organized an Announcement and Award Ceremony of Journalist Competition on Accessible Elections and Accessible Provincial KPU Web Page at KPU compound. The event was opened by…
March 27, 2017
On March 17 2017, , five judges representing the General Election Commission (KPU), the Press Council (Dewan Pers), the People’s Voter Education Network (JPPR), AGENDA Disability Rights Advisor and Media Expert had a meeting at KPU compound to select all winners of Journalist Competition on Accessible Elections. From 4 categories: (1) News reporting…
February 28, 2017
On February 24, media discussion on ‘Pilkada 2017 and Participation of Voters with Disabilities’ at National Election Commission (KPU)’smedia center. Speakers at the discussion were Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah, Commissioner of KPU, M Afifuddin, People’s Voter Education Network (JPPR) and Gufroni S, Indonesian Disabled People Association (PPDI). In the discussion, Ferry mentioned that participation…