November 18, 2015
On November 8th, 2015 ‘Website Pemilu Akses (Accessible Election Homepage)’ developed by Ridwan Sumantri was awarded as a Winner of Visionary Category at ‘Pilkada Serentak Apps Challenge Code for Vote 4.0’ organized by Indonesian Election Commission (KPU) with PERLUDEM at KPU’s office in Jakarta. The application is considered to have a specific vision…
October 26, 2015
AGENDA had a meeting with Commissioner Ferry Kurnia from the General Elections Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU-RI) on Election Management Body Assessment Tools on Accessible Election on Tuesday, 20 October 2015. The tools is aiming to ensure accessible election for voters with disabilities at concurrent regional elections for 269 regions…
February 4, 2015
From January 28-29, 2015 the third Regional Dialogue on Access to Elections brought together more than 200 representatives from disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs), election management bodies, governments, media, and international organizations to spark an exchange of ideas and best practices on strengthening equal access to political and electoral rights for persons with disabilities.…
January 14, 2015
AGENDA lead by AGENDA-PPDI Program Manager on January 9, 2015 together with a Media Consultant have a meeting with KPU-RI Technical and Public Relations as well as Public Participation Bureau and Planning and Data Bureau. The meeting aims to coordinate media coverage and publication of the 3rd Regional Dialogue which will be held on…
January 7, 2015
On 9th October 2014 AGENDA representatives that lead by Chris Donn met with Commissioner KPU-RI Sigit Pamungkas to discuss potential cooperation between KPU-RI and AGENDA to hold regional conference on disability access particularly on election. It’s going to be the 3rd regional conference organized by AGENDA. The conference aims to enhance accessible election…
July 9, 2014
AGENDA/JPPR organized a press conference on 9 July in the afternoon at the Media Center of the National KPU to share its monitoring findings and provided a statement on the level of accessibility of the election. Results for the conference included the collected information as of 12.30 pm from the field. By 12.30…
June 23, 2014
On June 22-23, AGENDA/JPPR held training for the 10 coordinators of AGENDA’s monitoring mission for the presidential election. The coordinator consisted of 5 PPDI representatives and 5 JPPR representatives from 5 provinces in Indonesia (Aceh, Jakarta, Central Java, South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan). Fadhil, DKI Jakarta KPU Commissioner and M. Jufri Bawaslu DKI…
March 11, 2013
AGENDA partner Center for Electoral Access for Citizens with Disabilities (PPUA Penca) organized a two-day training for the Indonesian National Election Commission (KPU) and Indonesian Election Supervisory Body (BAWASLU). The training was held in Bogor from February 22-23, 2013. Among the 20 participants were three KPU, four BAWASLU commissioners and senior staff from the…
May 29, 2012
By: Dipo Djungdjungan Siahaan, IFES
KPU Jakarta (Jakarta Election Committee) guarantees an accessible election for persons with disabilities in the upcoming Jakarta gubernatorial election. Sumarno, a member of KPU Jakarta, conveyed this message on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 last week, when AGENDA visited KPU Jakarta office to discuss about accessible…