
Organization Profile: The Laos Disabled People’s Association (LDPA)

January 28, 2013

The Laos Disabled People’s Association (LDPA) is a civil society organisation and the sole Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) that encompasses all people with disability in Laos. The LDPA is recognised as the nation’s leading DPO, and serves an important role as the peak advocacy body for people with disability.



Visiting Students Assist LDPA

January 28, 2013

Samir Ashraf and Alison Hamburg were in Vientianne,Lao, to assist with one of AGENDA’s Partners LDPA (Lao Disabled People’s Association) for two weeks, from 7 to 21 January 2013. Their visit is part of the arrangement between AGENDA and School of Interational Public Affairs of the Columbia University, New York, United States of…