– Workshop
January 5, 2018
On 19 December, AGENDA participated in the workshop on Strengthening International Collaboration in Supervising the 2019 Election held by the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) and provide inputs to initiate potential activities that could strengthen international collaboration, such as inviting the election commission to monitor the 2019 Election and organizing a workshop with foreign…
January 5, 2018
On 13-14 December, AGENDA participated in the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Regional Workshop on Enhanced Access to Education for Children with Disabilities in Da Nang, Vietnam which aimed to identify the challenges in providing quality education for children with disabilities in the region, exchange best practices on legislation and policy-making…
January 4, 2018
On 24 October, AGENDA attended the 2017 National Workshop of the Indonesian Blind Association (PERTUNI) in Jakarta. The workshop aimed to discuss the increasing role of the blind people community based on Convention Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Law no. 8 year 2016 on Persons with Disabilities.
August 30, 2017
AGENDA in collaboration with Provincial General Election Commission (KPU) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) organized Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tools Workshop attended by 34 people (26 men and 8 women) in Mataram, NTB on August 23, 2017. Topics discussed at the workshop were understanding disability, accessible election and reviewing EMB…
August 7, 2017
On July 20, 21 and 27, General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) in collaboration with local provincial of General Election Commission (KPU)s organized Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tool in Surabaya (East Java), Semarang (Central Java) and Palembang (South Sumatera) respectively. Each workshop discussed about understanding disability, accessible election and gathering inputs…
July 3, 2017
On June 14, 2017 AGENDA’s partner in Vietnam, Hanoi Independent Living Centre (Hanoi ILC) organized advocacy toolkit workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam. The workshop aimed to disseminate and distribute the toolkit to young leaders of DPOs and develop advocacy strategy to increase political participation for persons with disabilities in Vietnam. Thank you for the…
July 3, 2017
On June 6, 2017 AGENDA’s partner in Myanmar, Myanmar Independent Living Initiative (MILI) organized advocacy toolkit workshop and media award ceremony in Myanmar. Thirty-three people attended the workshop (20 men and 13 women) while 28 people…
June 7, 2017
On May 18, 2017, AGENDA in a collaboration with Provincial (KPU) of South Sulawesi conducted Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tool Workshop in Makassar, South Sulawesi. The workshop discussed about disability, political participation of persons with disabilities, accessible election and EMB Assessment Tool that has been endorsed by the KPU-RI in mid-2016. Around…
June 7, 2017
On May 23, 2017, AGENDA in a collaboration with Provincial (KPU) of West Kalimantan conducted Election Management Body (EMB) Assessment Tool Workshop in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The workshop discussed about disability, political participation of persons with disabilities, accessible election and EMB Assessment Tool that has been endorsed by the KPU-RI in mid-2016. Around…