This national workshop also aimed to understand more about CRPD implementation and encourage the government to prioritize disability issues in policies and regulations. DPOs had much to learn from Chaklen, who shared information and experiences in CRPD implementation.

The first day of the workshop explored activities conducted by DPOs, including challenges and successes. For example, the PPDI Padang Chapter lobbied the West Sumatra local government regarding the implementation of Law No. 19/2011 on the ratification of the CRPD. The Hearing-Impaired Welfare Movement (Gerkatin) Solo Chapter held Indonesian sign language training once every two weeks in Solo.

Even with these wins, DPOs recognized they still face challenges. One of the most important is that policies of most governments regarding disabilities lack a human rights perspective. DPOs also believe budget allocation for disabilities is not enough; society still views persons with disabilities negatively.

Representatives from various government ministries were invited to speak, including the Director of Social Rehabilitation of People with Disability Social Ministry .

Muhammad Anshor, Director of Human Rights from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the ministry does not yet have an action plan for the implementation of the CRPD. “In terms of the action plan, we already have one but now we need to improve,” he said. “We need to see whether the existing action plan already addresses some of the issues concerning the CRPD implementation, because there is [a] general view that it is not yet enough; it means there are rooms for improvements to this action plan. The next idea is to improve it in the form of presidential regulation.”

This national workshop produced several mutual agreements. One is meant to encourage the government to prioritize a new law to replace Law No. 4 /1997 on persons with disabilities. Participants also called for a presidential decree on comprehensive national action planon disabilities.

The Indonesia Disabled People Association (PPDI) and the National Consortium for Persons with Disabilities held a two-day national workshop from June 11-12 in Jakarta. The workshop coincided with an informal visit from Shuaib Chalklen, the UN Special Rapporteur for Persons with Disabilities of the Commission for Social Development. Also present were members of disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs), government representatives and other stakeholders.

The workshop aimed to create action plans for advocacy and monitoring of the implementation of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), encourage ratification of the optional protocol of the CRPD and discuss strategies for advocacy and monitoring of CRPD implementation, as conducted by DPOs.

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